Noesis #141, September 1998
Noesis is the journal of the Mega Society, a society whose members are selected by means of high-range intelligence tests.
Jeff Ward, 13155 Wimberly Square #284, San Diego, CA 92128, is Administrator of the Mega Society. Inquiries regarding membership should be directed to him.
Dues for members of the Mega Society and subscriptions to Noesis for non-members are two U.S. dollars per issue. One free issue for each issue containing your work. Your expiration number appears on your mailing label. Remittance and corres-pondence regarding dues and subscriptions should be sent to the Publisher, not to the Editor.
Opinions expressed in these pages are those of individuals, not of Noesis or the Mega Society.
Copyright (c) 1998 by the Mega Society. All rights reserved. Copyright for each individual contribution is retained by the author unless otherwise indicated.