Chris Cole
The new constitution creates a new office called Internet Officer, with duties as specified in Article III, Section 5:
The Internet Officer shall coordinate Mega Society Web pages, electronic mailing lists, and other Internet activity.
Since this office is currently vacant, Article IV, Section 3 of the constitution states:
If a vacancy should occur during the year, a call for candidates shall be published in the next issue of Noesis. Statements of candidacy shall be published in the issue following the call for candidates, comments on the candidates by members and a ballot in the next issue, and announcement of the results of balloting in the following issue. The officers, by majority vote, may appoint a temporary officer to serve until the results of balloting are known,
Accordingly, please submit statements of candidacy for Internet Officer to Kevin Langdon, who will be editing the next issue of Noesis. The officers have not at this time appointed a temporary officer.
Chris Langan, after a long hiatus, has resumed publishing his counterfeit Noesis. We therefore think we need to take action now to protect the Society and its journal. The officers submit the following proposition, according to the procedures specified in the constitution, Article IV, Section 4:
Any member may propose that the Mega Society take a particular action, or refrain ftom some type of action. Arguments for and against the proposition shall be published, along with a ballot, in the issue of Noesis following the call for a vote. All sides of every issue shall be given sufficient space in Noesis to be fully and fairly presented.
Chris Cole, Ronald K. Hoeflin, Kevin Langdon, Jeff Ward
Leighton M. Anderson, Esq. is appointed counsel for the Society, for the purpose of
issuing the attached Cease-and-Desist Letter, and if necessary, for pursuing other legal
remedies to protect the name of the Mega Society and its journal Noesis, as
recommended in the attached letter from Mr. Anderson. The fees for Mr. Anderson's services
will be paid by the Publisher, aided by other members' voluntary contributions.