Government Creep
A Dialog between Jeffry R. Fisher and Karen Ferrara
from the Triple Nine Society's tns E-mail List
Jeffry Fisher <>
Karen Ferrara <>
Jeff: Guns are held in reserve for the day that some president declares a state
of emergency and disbands Congress.
Karen: Are you saying that there might come a time when the government
would declare a takeover of the American people, disbanding all signs of democracy and
elected officials, and then we'd lose all our individual rights?
Jeff: There are several ways that our rights could be suspended or
usurped. The bald aggression by an unvarnished tyrant is the least likely, and as long as
millions of civilians hold unregistered infantry rifles I'd say it's impossible, though a
madman might still make a bloody attempt. However, take away those rifles, and what is
left to stop someone from declaring martial law?
Think about it. Sure, the overthrow of Constitutional government is farfetched, but the
question remains, what could prevent it? The natural goodness of every ambitious
politician and every general who rises to the top?
Realize that it must be every one of them, because it takes only one Napoleon or
Hitler to ruin a whole country. Realize too that, as farfetched as a coup seems, the fact
that we even have historical examples to offer means that we dare not dismiss the
Vigilant citizens note what conditions inhibit coups and rail against those who are
trying, perhaps unwittingly, to remove those conditions. Weapon ownership correlates well
with preserving liberty; therefore, despite the low odds of a coup (now), those who want
to preserve liberty think it prudent to have common firearm ownership.
By analogy, consider your home or your car: theft is wrong and the odds are small that a
criminal would choose yours in a peaceful neighborhood; still, do you lock them? Most
people do, and many employ alarms as well; it's prudent, that's all.
More subtle and more likely than a brazen coup is the emergency that needs emergency
powers to cope. Emergencies are risky times for free republics; civil liberties are always
trampled, even here in the USA, and ambitious men usually (in disarmed societies) keep
their emergency powers even after the emergency has passed.
In the War Between the States, Lincoln, among other things, ordered thousands of people in
the north to be arrested and jailed without lawyers, trials, or hearings before judges
(presidents can do that during an emergency). He probably would have relinquished that and
other dictatorial powers, but, tragically, he was assassinated before we could find out. A
Vice President sympathetic to the South rose to the presidency and was subsequently
impeached, surviving removal by one vote in the Senate. Had the VP been one of the radical
Republicans, or had the impeachment been supported by a Senatorial conviction, our history
could have been very gloomy from that point on.
In World War II, President Franklin D. Roosevelt ordered American born citizens (of
Japanese ancestry) to be arrested and imprisoned in concentration camps while their
businesses and other property were confiscated. FDR did this (and much more) by executive
order, without even an act of Congress, and the army carried out the order (as far as I
know) without complaint. Because of the emergency, both those who carried out the orders
and all who watched them blithely accepted the authoritarianism.
It might even seem reasonable to folks today, with 20/20 hindsight. However, I am not
writing to say it was right or wrong, I just want to demonstrate what can be
ordered and what orders can be followed in the USA itself. There are just a
couple more steps from what we've already seen to permanent dictatorship, and it is not
just the president who is in position to take them. However, as with Lincoln, FDR died
near the conclusion of his emergency, and we were fortunate that his successor was not a
megalomaniac eager to risk that last step to absolute power.
Other nations in various times have not been so fortunate. Sometimes it has been a general
(Napoleon or Julius Caesar), sometimes it has been a president (Hitler as Chancellor) and
other times it has been somebody waiting in the shadows while too much power was
concentrated by a "benevolent" other (Stalin supplanting Lenin who overthrew a
fledgling Russian democracy). In most cases, the republics are very young, but in
the case of Rome the republic was centuries old.
Not coincidentally, the early days of the Roman Republic featured a citizen militia and no
standing army or police force. All able, adult, male property owners (citizens) were armed
(women, children and slaves were unarmed and had no rights). Since the Republic depended
on its armed citizens for all forceful actions, it couldn't take their rights from them;
they were the Republic. It was later, after the army was separated from
citizenship in general, that the army usurped power and liberty from other citizens, even
senators. The army was the empire, as certain uppity emperors discovered.
Other usurpations of power are less obvious and provide less of a flash point for citizens
to rebel. Consider the incremental bureaucratic intrusions into our private lives. Schools
now can (call in Child Protective Services to) take away your children if you don't allow
them to sedate "behavior problem" kids with ritalin. Never mind the fact that,
setting aside the behavior, the child's physician cannot detect the physiological
indications of ADD that teachers and non-MD counselors are diagnosing, and never mind the
fact that the parents might have religious objections or concerns about harmful side
effects like liver damage and stunted growth.
The cumulative effect is that our civil liberties are vanishing, even though no one tyrant
takes it all in a single obvious action. Instead, we have various well-meaning agencies
taking little nibbles; eventually we will have nothing left. Look around; many simple
liberties taken for granted at our country's inception (or even allowed under the
"persecution" of the king) are now illegal or require you to obtain a permit:
starting a trade like cutting hair, building on your own property or even painting it your
favorite color, owning or driving a vehicle, dividing land to sell, or calming yourself by
inhaling fumes from certain weeds. Can anyone list others? We could cure California's
electricity deficit by attaching generators to the founding fathers spinning in their
The principle, both in practice and in philosophy, is that those who hold the weapons hold
ultimate decision making power and have the means to protect private property. Therefore,
all who are entitled to wield votes and own property must also be entitled to wield
weapons, lest those with weapons rearrange entitlement to votes and property.
"Title" brings me to class; whether you have names for them or not, those who
hold weapons hold titles. In the past, it was knights, barons, etc., who carried swords,
who were called "Sir" or "Lord," and owned property. In the US today,
we fancy ourselves as having a classless society. All adults are mister or madam, can own
guns, vote, and can own property. However, take away the guns, and suddenly the police are
the new knighthood, with their uniforms, badges, ranks, and guns, able to invade and
confiscate property at will, slowed only by an ever more compliant court system that could
become a rubber stamp within our lifetimes.
Eventually, unless Libertarians are elected (either through their own party or by taking
over leadership in one of the existing major parties), all guns will be registered and
then confiscation will be ordered. The confiscation order will be the milestone that
stands either as the signal at the start of the armed rebellion or as a tombstone for the
Bill of Rights. If the government is
strong enough to take guns away from an armed populace, then it can take anything away
from an unarmed populace (and probably will).
Karen: Is there a way to regain ground from government creep?
Jeff: Yes, elect Libertarians. It's a long shot today because of the
cohesion of the "two party" system. Most folks who sympathize with Libertarians
have been sucked into either voting for Democrats to stop Republicans or voting for
Republicans to stop Democrats. You can see it in many polls: voters choose by whom they
vote against because there is nobody (perceived as having a chance) that they really like.
Karen: Exactly true.
Jeff: When enough people realize this ugly truth, those who wish to stop
either of them will want to stop both of them. Libertarians will flock from both the
Democrats and from the Republicans to make the Libertarian Party viable. The Democrats and
Republicans, almost indistinguishable in their appeals to populist, progressive socialist
movements, will merge back together. Instead of a "liberal" vs.
"conservative" division deciding which way government expands while
consolidating, we will have a "liberty" vs. "dependency" division,
deciding if government expands and consolidates or if it shrinks and disperses.
Karen: It sounds good, but I'm afraid it will be a long time coming.
People complain, but they are still too comfortable with their lives.
Jeff: At present, one respected citizen with Ross Perot type money but a
Libertarian commitment could initiate the tilt by plunking down a billion dollars and
intelligently recruiting, through an entire four-year election cycle, competent
libertarians to run for all partisan offices. The billion dollars would go into party
infrastructure and into educating the American people about principles left out of many
high school and even college curricula these days. Its announcement should also convince
those already sympathetic that the Libertarians were viable.
Karen: Why wait for the billion dollar donor? There is a similar group
(can't think of the name) dedicated to helping females get elected. Much smaller budget
but fairly effective. Are there many Libertarians that run for state level offices?
Concentrating on this level first, getting more Libertarians in office and therefore more
visible to the public, would make the Presidency a more achievable goal.
Can we even recognize and categorize the government creep that exists today?
Jeff: I have already mentioned one way of categorizing creeps: those that
increase government power and those that centralize it. Realize too that centralization
does not stop with national federalism; now that their national socialist agenda is
mature, the statists are starting to globalize, speaking openly of submerging US
sovereignty into a one world government spawned from the UN.
A one world government, having no rivals, could become all kinds of nightmare with no
outside force to help armed citizens to tear it down. I like having power split many ways.
Each unit is easier to cope with internally, and all units that are currently behaving
well can cooperate to contain and dissolve those that are oppressive (while oppressors
selfishly vie with each other as often as they cooperate).
Karen: I find this a more difficult concept to foresee than a US
government takeover. I have travelled a lot and we are the "Ugly Americans" to
most of the world. There is still a great diversity among people of different countries.
It would be very difficult to unite the world this way, I believe. Who are the
"statists" and what is the "national socialist agenda" that they have
achieved? You see things from a very different viewpoint than I do and I don't understand.
Jeff: I think many in the world would relish the US submerging its
sovereignty into a whole that they imagined they could dominate. Uniting national
governments into one world government entails persuading national leaders and then
deceiving those outside the decision making process.
Statists are those for whom populist issues are merely a means to accomplish (consciously
or unconsciously) a control agenda. The national socialist agenda in the US is the
combination of "we'll take better care of you" programs and prohibitions, with
the migration of authority from local and state governments to the federal government. The
next progressive step is "up" to the world level, forming the ultimate hierarchy
for the ultimate control freak.